us army [ju:es'ɑ?m?] 的意思:(参考有道词典)1.美国陆军2.手册及条令3.美国军队 4.北约代号例句 h1n1 virus jumps from pigs to humans and kills a us army recruit. 一种从猪跳跃到人的h1n1病毒杀死一名美军新兵。 a retired us army colonel, i would particularly enjoy helping the staff of the militarymuseum. 作为一名退休的美军上校,我特别愿意帮助军事博物馆的工作人员。 then a us army colonel had admitted to the afghans that the shootings were a "terrible, terrible mistake" and "a stain on our honour". 至此,美国陆军上校才向阿富汗方卖弄承认这次枪击*是一件“非常非常糟糕的错误”和“有辱于我们的荣誉”。